Construction Progress

Roof trusses are going in at Pecatonica Elementary

Construction at the middle school/high school is tracking on schedule

Track Referendum Spending

To check out how referendum dollars have been spent thus far, please see the following documents

Referendum Overview & Interest

Referendum Invoices to Date

Construction Sub Contractors Chosen!

At a special meeting of the Pecatonica School Board, held on January 29, 2024, construction sub contractor bids were approved. We are thrilled to share that even through the bidding process, we are still trending under budget. Two hundred ninety six companies were invited to bid on our project. One hundred seventy-two companies reviewed our project and fifty-nine companies ultimately submitted bids. Per board policy, we were able to secure a minimum of two bids for each area of construction and/or renovation. To view a summary of the bidding process, please click below.

Construction Sub Contractor Bid Summary

Schematic Design Phase Completed!

We are thrilled to share that after months of planning we are at the end of our schematic design phase. During this phase, the core planning team met every other week with the architects and construction company to figure out what our newly constructed and/or renovated spaces should look like. There have been many versions of these plans, but ultimately the core planning team feels like we have successfully balanced the needs of our students and staff with being fiscally responsible to our tax payers. We want to personally thank everyone for the input and ideas we have received along the way. We tried as hard as we could to incorporate as many of your ideas as possible. 

Below you will find computer generated renderings of what our spaces will look like. The images do not have a ton of detail, but we think you will be able to see our vision for the various spaces and how they will feel. Also included in the link is a timeline update as well as a budget update. We're thrilled to share that so far, construction and renovation costs are coming in on budget!

Schematic Design Presentation

Facility Advisory Committee

The Facility Advisory Committee (FAC) is an advisory group specific to the Pecatonica Area School District construction/remodel project of 2023-2025. 

The FAC is a citizen based group of district constituents that serves in an advisory capacity and are subject matter experts in construction and/or project management. All actions taken by the group will ensure that the improvements focus on safety and security and are welcoming, inclusive and conducive to a learning environment.

The group will:

  • Provide feedback of future bids, contracts and subcontractors as requested by Administration. 

  • Offer community feedback, if known, for project design.

  • Assist at ensuring timeline and budget requirements are met as requested by Administration.

  • Be advisory only.  They are not responsible for budget, spending, and are not voting members/decision makers.

FAC Members:

  • Steve Knutson

  • Mark Hazlitt

  • Jane Balch

  • Shawn Johnsrud

  • Mike Reading

  • Jill Gaskell

  • John Knicker

  • Steve Acheson

Bonds Go Up for Sale

On June 7, 2023, Pecatonica accepted bids on the sale of its bonds. Fidelity Capital Markets out of Boston, Massachusetts produced the winning bid of 4.0526% interest rate out of the 6 bidders. When preparing for the referendum in the spring, a conservative estimate of 5% was utilized. With this locked in lower interest rate of nearly 1%, over $1.8 million will be saved in interest payments over the course of the 20 year loan. This lower interest rate will also have a positive impact on the net mill rate for our taxpayers. At referendum information sessions this past spring, it was shared with the community that the average mill rate increase over the course of the 20 years would be $348 per $100,000 of property value. With this lower interest rate, the average increase to the mill rate will be $322 per $100,000 of property value. The District received a down payment from the sale of its bonds on June 7th in the amount of $376,000 with the remaining funds arriving July 12th.


Thank you....

Thank you logo

Message from the Superintendent

Last night the voters in the Pecatonica Area School District preliminarily approved an $18.8 million facilities referendum. These funds will be critical for updating our facilities and ensuring our students and staff are teaching and learning in a healthy, safe, and clean environment. 

I am continually amazed at the level of support for our schools. We understand that this referendum was not a small ask for our community, especially during these uncertain economic times. Thank you for prioritizing the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff. Even with these additional funds, our school budgets will continue to be tight. Please know that we are committed to providing a world class education for our students while remaining fiscally responsible to our community members.

The hard work is just beginning as we now enter the project’s design phase. Meetings with key stakeholders will take place as the District moves these projects forward. We will continue our transparent communication throughout the construction phase and provide regular updates to the community. 

Once again, thank you for all of your support. I am so honored to be a part of this district. GO VIKINGS!

With gratitude,

Dr. Dani Scott, Superintendent

April 2023 Referendum

April 2023 Capital Referendum

Pecatonica Referendum Overview

Why Are We Asking for Money?

As a District we face a number of challenges, particularly at the elementary level. These include:

  • Classrooms are outdated.

  • The building lacks instructional areas for both small- and large-group instruction.

  • The building lacks collaboration and confidential meeting space for staff and parents.

  • Entrances need safety and security updates to better monitor and control visitor access.

  • Brickwork needs to be repaired to prevent water infiltration.

  • Areas for students with special needs do not have appropriate restrooms and lack needed space and equipment.

  • The elementary school does not have air conditioning.

  • We lack multipurpose space for teaching STEM courses (science, technology, engineering, and math) and hands-on, project-based classes.

  • Pedestrians, cars, and buses should be better separated in drop-off/pick-up areas.

  • Areas of the parking lot need to be replaced.

  • Playground equipment is old and rusting. Replacement parts can no longer be purchased.

  • Some areas of the school do not comply with American with Disabilities Act (ADA) codes.

  • The fire protection system is outdated and needs to be replaced.

  • The heating system is nearing the end of its service life.

  • Many of the plumbing, air circulation, and electrical systems are original to the building, are inefficient, and need to be updated.

  • Many walls, doors, floors, ceilings, roofs, and windows are original and need to be replaced.

While we have outstanding custodial staff that help to maintain our facilities, the last time any major renovations occurred at the elementary school was 30 years ago (1991).

Challenges at the middle/high school level include:

  • Entrances need safety and security updates to better monitor and control visitor access.

  • High humidity levels in the gymnasium causes damage to the gym floor (buckling, nails popping, etc.).

What Do We Want to Do?

Scope of Project

On the April 4th ballot, the Pecatonica School District will ask residents if they favor issuing general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $18,800,000.

These additional funds would allow the district to:

  • Install secure entrances at Pecatonica Elementary School and Pecatonica Middle School/High School

  • Construct four new classrooms that will be displaced because of the new secure entrance/office space at Pecatonica Elementary School

  • Construct new gymnasium at Pecatonica Elementary School (current gym will become new library media center)

  • Remodel the existing elementary gymnasium into a new library media center

  • Create designated music classroom at Pecatonica Elementary School (currently elementary music and band meet on the stage in the gym)

  • Install air conditioning at Pecatonica Elementary School

  • Replace the roof at Pecatonica Elementary School

  • Replace playground equipment at Pecatonica Elementary

  • Install air conditioning in the gymnasium at Pecatonica Middle School/High School

  • Upgrade technology

The specific question voters will see on the April 4th ballot is:

"Shall the Pecatonica Area School District, Iowa, Lafayette, Green and Dane Counties, Wisconsin be authorized to issue pursuant to Chapter 67 of the Wisconsin Statutes, general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $18,800,000 for the public purpose of paying the cost of a school facility improvement project consisting of:  construction of additions, including for classrooms and a gymnasium, renovations, infrastructure replacement, site and capital maintenance improvements at the Elementary School; district-wide safety and security improvements and air conditioning upgrades; and acquisition of furnishings, fixtures, technology and equipment?"

Exhibit A Notice to Electors

Evidence of Needed Repairs/Renovations

Why Now? ......... What's the Tax Impact?

Why now? The Pecatonica Area School District is committed to continuing to provide a world-class education....our students deserve nothing less. The last time any major construction and/or renovations occurred was back in 1992. District custodial staff have done an incredible job maintaining our existing facilities. There are simply some projects (new roof, air conditioning, secure entrances) that cannot be addressed within our current budget.

The district set a record low mill rate of $8.26 per $1,000 of property value for the 2022-23 school.

Mill Rate History

What's the tax impact? The District works very hard to use taxpayers' money responsibly. In fact, over the past four years, our mill rate (which is used to calculate the school's portion of local property taxes) has declined by 32%, even with recent voter-approved referendums.

If the referendum were to pass, the average mill rate increase over the life of the loan will be $3.48 per $1,000 of property value

Mill Rate Impact

How Can I Learn More Information?

The Pecatonica Area School District will be hosting a number of informational sessions. Please join us!

  • February 6th - Town of Moscow board meeting - 6 PM

  • February 14th - Town of Perry board meeting - 7:30 PM

  • February 15th - Blanchardville Women's Club - 6 PM (meeting will be held at Pecatonica High School)

  • February 21st - Pecatonica Elementary School - 6 PM

  • February 27th - Town of Brigham board meeting - 6 PM

  • March 1st - Blanchardville Fire Department - 6:30 PM

  • March 6th - Village of Blanchardville board meeting - 6:30 PM

  • March 7th - Village of Hollandale board meeting - 6:30 PM

  • March 21st - Pecatonica Middle School/High School - 6:30 PM

  • March 23rd - Hollandale Fire Department - 6:30 PM

  • March 27th - Virtual session - 6 PM (Zoom link:

For more information, please see our Q & A below:

Referendum Q & A

How Did We Get Here?

History of Facilities Advisory Committee

In late Fall, 2017, the Pecatonica Area School Board decided to begin the planning stages to study its buildings in a "facility study." After a RFP was posted in April 2018, the Board approved CG Schmidt in August 2018 as its vendor. In November and December 2018, the contract was approved. A large component of the RFP and the contract was to have CG Schmidt conduct a facilities study of both school district properties in Hollandale and Blanchardville, and to see how these buildings can continue to serve the communities for many generations to come. 

Facilities Planning Charter
Facilities Planning (FAC) Agenda for Third Thursdays through June, 2019.

The Facilities Advisory Committee began meeting again during the winter and spring of 2022 to discuss possible facility renovations and additions.

Pecatonica School District’s Facilities Advisory Committee Finalizes Recommendations

The Board of Education met on June 20th to hear a presentation from the district’s Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC) as a part of a long-range master facility planning process. The agenda for the meeting covered the accomplishments thus far of the FAC since the start of the master planning process, as well as recommendations for future building improvements. There is still a strong focus on continuing the conversation about the scope and estimates of both the elementary and middle/high school improvements.

The FAC, and representatives from Plunkett Raysich Architects (PRA) and CG Schmidt Construction solidified options and cost estimates for the upgrade of the Elementary School at their May 11th meeting. The middle school / high school options and cost estimates were presented at the April 11th meeting. At the June 20th board meeting, Amanda Anderson, community member and Dani Scott, District Superintendent presented the finalized options for the various projects. At the July 18th board meeting, Mike Clark from Baird, presented possible tax levy impacts for the various projects.

Pecatonica Elementary - Proposed Renovations & New Construction

Pecatonica Middle/High School - Proposed Renovations & New Construction

In August, the Pecatonica School Board considered and finalized the priorities it wanted to bring forward to the community for feedback. Those three options included:

Option #1A: Total cost 18.8 million

  • Renovate Pecatonica Elementary School

  • Create secure entrance at middle school/high school

  • Add air conditioning to middle school/high school gym

  • Approximate tax increase - $356 per year for every $100,000 of property value ($29.67 per month)

Option #1B: Total cost 29.65 million

  • Build a new Pecatonica elementary school on existing land

  • Create secure entrance at middle school/high school

  • Add air conditioning to middle school/high school gym

  • Approximate tax increase - $561 per year for every $100,000 of property value ($46.75 per month)

Option #2: Total cost 4.43 million

  • Renovate middle school/high school locker rooms/add 3rd locker room

  • Build a new community/school fitness center

  • Building maintenance items

  • Approximate tax increase - $84 per year for every $100,000 of property value ($7.00 per month)

Community Survey

In October, the Pecatonica Area School District reached out to all District residents, including parents and staff, to gather input regarding educational facility needs with a community-wide survey. To ensure data integrity, each survey invitation/link code could only be used once. Survey results from the community showed the most support for Option #1A.

Survey Results

Pecatonica Survey Results